OPT3COR: citizen centered integrated digital services for optimized access management to medical support services for maternity care
Optimization Citizen Centered Care Oriented
The Project
The project dealt with the development of a digital service based on a decision support system able to provide a forecast and a schedule of the timing and costs of services for the well-being of pregnant women and their fetuses, with reference to a point of birth, from conception to birth.
It represents the first digital service devoted to the planning (in terms of timing and cost) of the maternity care which makes use of a decision support system based on simulation and optimization techniques and which focuses on the health and well-being of the citizen who needs access to public and private health facilities to obtain diagnostic, treatment, prevention and monitoring services.
The resulting web-based OPT3COR platform also allow the creation of e-communities.
The decision support system that represents the back-end of the platform uses the “simulation-based optimization” which represents the state of the art of the mathematical methods available to tackle complex decision problems in the presence of uncertainty. The digital service is implemented by IT applications that constitute the front-end of the service
The point of birth of the Policlinico Casilino of Rome has been involved in the experimentation of the platform.


Research project winner of the competition “Creatività 2020” announced by Regione Lazio, co-founded by POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020